Friday, June 11, 2021

Is this what you call it?


It's still schadenfreude when you revel in other people being revealed to be hypocrites, right? Because over the past few weeks I've really been delighted by a number of people being revealed as...less than savory characters. And these people have often been very noisy about how ~upright~ they are as citizens of the world.

True, the reasons of their fall from grace involved a lot of people getting hurt and maybe I should empathize with the victims instead of enjoying the misery of the assholes but...that's a character flow of mine that I should contend with. Maybe when the pandemic is over.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Why am I old why am I fat


Well, I know precisely why I'm old and fat hahahuhu ~emotional crisis~. But the past week has really emphasized the old part because goddamn my back hurts. It's not just the lower back at this point either. It's just full-on back pain that will probably result in me with a hunched back.

Me irl

I always used to laugh at how older people would be all "Get off my lawn!" at young people but now that I am that old person who can blame them? Their body hurts everywhere and kids carousing on your lawn really isn't something you want to have to deal with on top of everything else.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Rejoining the rat race?


For most of the past two years, I've really just been scrimping and saving and taking on any jobs that I could just to keep my head above water. It's got its particular stresses, to be sure, but I do appreciate that I've mostly been able to do what I want when I want to do it.

But that hasn't stopped me from sending out job applications every now and then, mostly resulting in rejections that did sting a little but I also welcomed, in a way? Since I still get to work on my own time without having to answer to anybody. The other job that I got accepted for is pretty lax about the rules so it's not like a regular job either. It's a ~cool job~.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

It's been 84 years...

 No, actually it's been less than that. Just a decade and five months since I last updated this. I think there were more updates on my Livejournal -- which I will not be linking here -- but who's really counting? Or reading?

That's the better question, really. Who's reading and why bother starting this up again when everybody else is on a different social media site blaring their own horns and basically being their own newspaper/message board/radio station/television station?

The fact that no one's going to be reading is PRECISELY why I'm restarting this thing again. Just making this a space where I can vomit out my thoughts without having to worry about what anybody else thinks. And I'm doing it online rather than in a notebook because I've got no artistic skill and can't do those fancy bullet journal things that always get a billion Instagram likes.