Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Being gay among the locals

As I've never really spent enough time in other countries to find out how it's really like to acclimatize my gayness to a different culture, I have no idea how I would act should I be confronted with the question: "Are you gay?" I think it was thrown my way during my trip to Germany, but the people I were with didn't really wait around for an answer.

This article does seem like a pretty good way to go about it. Don't bring it up when nobody's asking, but don't be afraid to say yes when the question is posed to you. Unless of course you know that answering yes is going to result in a world of pain.

* * * * *
This is Jammy Reyes, and he's about to have to learn how to acclimatize to being gay in our culture here in the Philippine Islands.

He's been in Canada for the past 13 years, and faces deportation because he never applied to become a naturalized Canadian citizen.

There's more to the story, though, than him just beign an illegal immigrant. He's been in jail for theft and prostitution, has been in rehab for six months because of drug addiction, and is just coming out of two years of probation.

If his case against his deportation fails, will he have a supportive family to come home to here? And considering how we aren't exactly the best country when it comes to drug enforcement, how long will his sobriety last in this country where shabu dens are just about everywhere?

Read his full story over here at You can view his xtube profile here. The second link is obviously NSFW.

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