Thursday, April 8, 2010

A little breather

I'm a little tired today, as the past week has consisted of me and my co-workers going all around the metropolis interviewing people for our section. We've talked to a senator, a councilor, a furniture designer, and a broadcaster in many different cities, and doing that in this heat isn't exactly at the top of my favorite things to do.

Physical discomfort notwithstanding, the conversations we've been having with these people have been very interesting. I've had my school insulted("That university's only claim to fame is its longevity."), asked to vote for a certain party, and gazed at really beautiful furniture. The week certainly hasn't been boring.

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This is Elian Gonzales.

You probably remember him from this brouhaha. Also, for this picture when he was six.

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A Contract Between the Gay Community and our Straight Neighbors.

Maybe it's not quite the same thing, but it always puts a smile on my face that whatever the new hot spot in the metro is, the gays are always there first.

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Three videos today. One has a spoiler for Glee, one is an actual glee club performing, and the other features 8-bit characters decimating New York.

Kurt's going to be a Cheerio!

I love the costumes!

The Arkanoid shoutout is my favorite.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Lesbians and Chatroulette

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I went on Chatroulette for the very first time today, and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I was very much aware that penises have a habit of popping up over there, so I girded my loins and prepared myself for the inevitable assault.

Maybe because it's the middle of the night or maybe because Chatroulette's creator wants to take all the dirty fun out of it, but I did not encounter even one penis on my short Chatroulette sojourn. Granted, I only managed to talk to about three people: the first two seemed as confused about the site as I was, while the third one was from Albania and did not have a firm grasp of the English language. It wasn't that bad of an experience.

I'm thinking of trying it out again later today. Let's see if I change my opinion of the site.

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Two videos today. One is about lesbians and the other was made by two lesbians. One of which is Sue Sylvester. Or Jane Lynch, if you prefer her real name.